You don’t have to be a furniture designer to work with us – give us your best pencil sketch and we can help you realize your custom built masterpiece.
Whether it’s a modification of a previous design or an original concept, Gene Sanes Master Upholsters can custom fabricate the ideal furniture design for your home and office. The word custom-built is often misused in our industry. In our new furniture department, every sofa, chair or kitchen banquette is designed to fit the individual customer’s comfort, style and needs. To our way of thinking that’s not only custom, it’s just good business. Our experience at problem solving means there is no need to compromise.
You don’t have be an artist, we will get the picture!
Custom furniture design in action! Tour of our production area and see how we turn dreams into “client-specific” custom furniture designs – handcrafted the old fashioned way with quality materials and fine workmanship.
At Gene Sanes & Associates, we can convert your design concepts into beautiful furniture – something we’ve been helping architects, interior designers and contractors do for over 50 years!
Stop by our convenient location in the Strip District, Pittsburgh PA and talk with our knowledgeable and helpful designers.
Call today and talk with one of our design consultants at 412-471-8224
Custom Design and Reupholstery
Conan O’Brian Show ® Comfy Couch
The Conan Hugging Loveseat was the first fully robotic hugging loveseat. Click the link to watch how the craftsmen at Gene Sanes Upholstery with DeepLocal created this innovative couch.
[see more]
Movie Set Design and Custom Furniure
Manufactured train sleeper car seating for the climactic fight scene in the 2011 Lionsgate film production “Abduction”, starring Taylor Lautner. Gene Sanes Upholstery was given a tight deadline to deliver train seats for this scene. [see more]
Purple Wingback Chair
Unique style of wingback chair with detailed exposed wood “wings” with cabriole legs. Gene Sanes Upholstery can bring your antique furniture back to like new condition. Stop by our showroom to learn more. or call our sales team at 412-471-8224
Pittsburgh Public Theater
Gene Sanes Upholstery was asked to create period furniture pieces for the Pittsburgh Public Theater. Click the link to read the article published in the Post-Gazette. [read more]
Antique Bench
Charming Tiffany style bench has found new life after being reupholstered at Gene Sanes Upholstery.
Custom Restuarant Booths – Walnut Grill
Note the highly decorative diamond tufting created by our upholstery craftsmen for this commercial design.
Ask the Upholsterer
E-mail or call with your design questions. Our trained design consultants can assist with your creative needs.